Happy neurochemicals

Do you suffer from frequent mood swings?
Would you like to be in control of your happiness by using your innate neurochemicals?

Learn how to control mood swings and use them to your advantage while taking pleasure in daily activities you might at first find monotonous. Habitually eat foods that energize you and help your brain function more effectively.

Fully interactive workshop – real-life scenarios – a practical tool kit
effective results – latest modern psychology cutting-edge techniques


  • What happy neurochemicals can do to decrease swinging moods
  • Why consciously controlling your moods can increase life satisfaction
  • How to use healthy actions and habits to increase your happy neurochemicals


  • Dose: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, pituitary gland
  • Power of human touch: Language of touch, laws of social contact, touch twice, MIDAS touch
  • Eating for satisfaction: Mindless vs mindful eating, geographic, nostalgic, sensory,
  • Exercise yourself happier: Energy, de-stress, combat insomnia, increased confidence


Length of the workshop: 7 hours
Who is it for: Companies
Number of participants: 2–8
Price: 599 EUR / workshop plus VAT
(Price includes snacks & refreshments)

Are you interested in our services?

Contact us:

Sakis Gioussos

+420 604 582 602
+420 737 004 002


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