Measure of happiness

How would you rate your personal happiness?
Would you like to find out what you can do to increase your current level of happiness?

Put in perspective where you as an individual and your nation stand in a global context. Discover the relevance of money and its limitations to your subjective happiness. Learn how your genes only contribute to a percentage of your general happiness and use effective methods to increase baseline levels.

Fully interactive workshop – real-life scenarios – a practical tool kit
effective results – Latest modern psychology cutting-edge techniques


  • What core components are globally recognised as states of happiness
  • Why happiness is an essential ingredient for a healthy life
  • How to increase our happiness by using simple scientifically proven methods


  • Global survey: Nationality well being index, world statistics, United Nations Happiness Report
  • Money and happiness: Income and wellbeing, GDP and life satisfaction, materialism and wellbeing
  • Happiness and genetics: Twin studies, 40 % – 50% variance , personality traits, conscious action for change
  • Happiness and people: Social wellbeing, marriage and wellbeing, parenting, children, community, religion

Length of the workshop: 7 hours
Who is it for: Companies
Number of participants: 2–8
Price: 599 EUR / workshop plus VAT
(Price includes snacks & refreshments)

Are you interested in our services?

Contact us:

Sakis Gioussos

+420 604 582 602
+420 737 004 002

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