Emotional intelligence

Are you able to understand other peoples’ perspectives?
Do you get irritated when receiving negative feedback?

See things from another’s point of view and make better judgements, while becoming open to feedback, less defensive, which is essential to overall job performance. In addition, it develops high self-regard to look positively at self and do well in a variety of areas.

Fully interactive workshop – real-life scenarios – a practical tool kit
effective results – latest modern psychology cutting-edge techniques


  • What impact a highly developed EQ can have in your communication
  • Why it could prove more crucial than your IQ at a professional and personal level
  • How you can enhance your EQ at any age and harness its powers for motivation


  • What is emotional intelligence: The emotional brain, know thyself, passion slaves, emotional literacy
  • Characteristics of emotional intelligence: Self awareness, self – regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills
  • How to improve emotional intelligence: Self-evaluation, quiz, taking responsibility, training
  • Emotional agility: Present in the moment, personal set of values, become energized

Length of the workshop: 7 hours
Who is it for: Companies
Number of participants: 2–8
Price: 599 EUR / workshop plus VAT
(Price includes snacks & refreshments)

Are you interested in our services?

Contact us:

Sakis Gioussos

+420 604 582 602
+420 737 004 002


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