
What are your strengths?
And how are you utilising them?
Are you passing through life effortlessly and purposefully, or struggling?

Development and exercises of moral strengths can lead to your virtues, where a foundation of living the good life, happiness, meaning and purpose is built. In addition, you can align your needs and desires, and your decision making.

Fully interactive workshop – real-life scenarios – a practical tool kit
effective results – latest modern psychology cutting-edge techniques


  • What impact knowing your strengths can have at work and at home
  • Why it is essential to find and develop your strengths
  • How to use them efficiently to improve your general wellbeing


  • Via survey of strengths and virtues: Wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, transcendence
  • Suggested actions: Movies, songs, career choice, lifestyle, youth/adult development
  • Strengths at work: Specific goal, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound, summary
  • Engaging in flow: Clear goals, concentration, a distorted sense of time, intrinsic reward, absorption

Length of the workshop: 7 hours
Who is it for: Companies
Number of participants: 2–8
Price: 599 EUR / workshop
(Price includes snacks & refreshments)

Are you interested in our services?

Contact us:

Sakis Gioussos

+420 604 582 602
+420 737 004 002

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