Communication skills

Have you been in situations where you wished you were more interpersonally skilled?
Would you like to express your feelings appropriately and be heard?

Efficient speaking and smoothing out of difficulties in a healthy manner, produces feelings of happiness and improves cognitive function. It also improves tactics to overcome insecurities and create positive personal qualities.

Fully interactive workshop – real-life scenarios – a practical tool kit
effective results – latest cutting-edge modern psychology techniques


  • What personal and professional benefits good communication skills can offer
  • Why they are more necessary in today‘s global market
  • How they can be developed and help you positively engage in interactions


  • Importance of communication skills: Leading, team-building, career development, social life
  • Effective communication: Engaged listening, focus, control emotions, assertiveness
  • Body language: First impressions, posture, speech, gestures, disengagement, presentation, reflection
  • Complete package: Becoming fluent, asserting yourself, self belief, satisfying results

Length of the workshop: 7 hours
Who is it for: Companies
Number of participants: 2–8
Price: 499 EUR / workshop plus VAT
(Price includes snacks & refreshments)

Are you interested in our services?

Contact us:

Sakis Gioussos

+420 604 582 602
+420 737 004 002

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